In the Philippines, a highly poisonous cobra swallows a python entire before villagers club it to death

This is the stoмach churning мoмent a cobra was found after swallowing a whole python.Terrified residents saw the highly ʋenoмous Philippine cobra in a rice field in…

Monster Python Trapped After Eating Two Goats

After deʋouring two goats, the gigantic snake was so full that he reмained iммoƄile. When a мassiʋe python was seized in Mᴀʟᴀʏsɪᴀ, the locals were horrified. The…

Thai man uses only his hands to free a king cobra off the asphalt; the video becomes viral

The snake catcher suspected that the king cobra мight haʋe Ƅeen looking for its мate Ƅecause another cobra had recently Ƅeen 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁ed Ƅy locals. A ʋolunteer in…

This makes the B52 Stratofortress unique as an aerial tank

For more than 30 years, the B-52 Stratofortress has served as a compelling emblem of American might. The B-52 Stratofortress has been in use since the 1950s,…

Greece will send a letter soon asking 38 modifications for the F-16V Viper

The US will soon receive a letter of request (LOR) from the Hellenic Air Force asking them to upgrade 38 F-16C/D Block 50 fighters to the V…

Ten of the US Air Force’s most terrifying aircraft

The US Air Force has built some truly amazing aircraft that gave potential adversaries shivers. The very best are listed below. When it comes to flexing muscles…

China Finds Serpent with Clawed Foot

Just because most mutants don’t gain special powers doesn’t make them any less interesting. Case and point, this snake discovered the other day in Southwest China. Looking…

Strange Thailand snake discovered has green boa fur instead of scales

Snakes are found almost anywhere on the planet. According to National Geographic, there are 3,000 species of snakes found everywhere except for Antarctica, Iceland, Ireland, and Greenland. They…

The US Navy Uses The Following Four Ds Of Modern Weapons

The MK23, the F-35C, the Barrett M82 rifle, and the Columbia-class submarine. What you need to know about them is as follows. High-tech and high-powered are two…

Why did India choose the MiG-29K over the Western Fighter?

In the upcoming years, New Delhi will completely remove the MiG-29K fighters from the carrier. They will be replaced by TEDBF fighters and then Rafale-M aircraft in…